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Martins - 13:19 02/10/2021
How much is 124ec in naira
James - 04:43 28/04/2022
A scammer advertising here on your website has scammed me for over 1.2 million naira. He advertised as SUREXCHANGE on this site. Phone...
#Olowo - 21:13 23/11/2021
Does anyone here has a payoneer fund for sale? Call or chat(WhatsApp) on 08032062700
Chime Livinus - 11:41 02/12/2023
Pls what bank naira card can I use to make purchase using third party payment gateway without restrictions
Cash - 21:36 10/11/2022
Within an interval of 2 days dollar fall back at rate of 720 . What is the cause ?
How much is CAD exchanging for? I want to sell