Yuan to Naira CBN Rate

Updated on 09:03 03/10/2024
RMB NGNGet Updates: OffSell: 236.1826 -0.02%Buy: 236.0401Naira to Yuan Exchange Rate₦ 1 = ¥ 0.00424
Previous Day Comparison
-₦ 0.0362
% Change
Last 30 Days High/Low
₦ 237.2658 on 25/09/2024
₦ 222.4264 on 20/09/2024
Last 365 Days High/Low
₦ 237.2658 on 25/09/2024
₦ 1.9026 on 29/04/2024

Yuan to Naira CBN - Central Bank of Nigeria Rate Chart

Daily Yuan to Naira CBN - Central Bank of Nigeria Review

Suggested Chinese Yuan Renminbi trade rate is ₦236.1826 according to Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) today, October 07, 2024. Renminbi started last week at ₦228.3819 in CBN exchange rate lists on Monday, September 30, 2024. This makes a 3.42% rise for Renminbi rate against Naira in CBN since last week.

When we look at the whole month, Yuan to Naira exchange rate was noted as ₦236.2188 in CBN lists on Wednesday, October 02, 2024 at the start of this month. With Chinese Yuan rate set at ₦236.1826 now, we see a 0.02% decrease for RMB to Naira exchange rates in CBN for this October.

Comment on Chinese Yuan Renminbi to Naira CBN Rates

Disclaimer: NgnRates.com can not guarantee correctness and trustworthiness of the information and contacts shared here.

ChinaBoy 06:07 02/10/2024

Oct. 2, 2024: **** You can buy Chinese Yuan (CNY/RMB) from us via Transfers to China Bank Accounts and Alipay/WeChat Wallets. *** All Transfer/Payment Orders are accepted only between 7 and 8 am Nig. Time from Mon. to Fri.; WhatsApp: +8615806064429, +8615060196440 (Rate: ₦243.8/¥). [ +++++ We also provide the following SWAP Services: (1.) CNY to NGN; (2.) USDT to CNY; and (3.) CNY to USDT ]

LOIS B 10:20 09/05/2024


ChinaBoy 07:05 21/03/2024

March 21, 2024: **** We sell Chinese Yuan (CNY/RMB) through Transfers to all China-based Accounts and Wallets. *** All Transfer/Payment Orders are accepted only between 7 and 8 am Nig. Time from Mon. to Fri.; WhatsApp: +8615806064429, +8615060196440 (Rate: ₦216.3/¥).

ChinaBoy 06:20 08/03/2024

March 8, 2024: **** You can buy Chinese Yuan (CNY/RMB) from us via Transfers to China Bank Accounts and Alipay/WeChat Wallets. *** All Transfer/Payment Orders are accepted only between 7 and 8 am Nig. Time from Mon. to Fri.; WhatsApp: +8615806064429, +8615060196440 (Rate: ₦229.5/¥).

ChinaBoy 06:52 06/03/2024

March 6, 2024: **** You can buy Chinese Yuan (CNY/RMB) from us via Transfers to China Bank Accounts and Alipay/WeChat Wallets. *** All Transfer/Payment Orders are accepted only between 7 and 8 am Nig. Time from Mon. to Fri.; WhatsApp: +8615806064429, +8615060196440 (Rate: ₦232.7/¥).

ChinaBoy 07:16 29/02/2024

Feb. 29, 2024: **** We sell Chinese Yuan (CNY/RMB) through Transfers to all China-based Accounts and Wallets. *** All Transfer/Payment Orders are accepted only between 7 and 8 am Nig. Time from Mon. to Fri.; WhatsApp: +8615806064429, +8615060196440 (Rate: ₦215.4/¥).

ChinaBoy 07:15 28/02/2024

Feb. 28, 2024: **** We provide CNY (RMB) Payment/Transfer Service to all Forms of China-based Accounts. It is important to make the following Clarifications: (1.) All Transfer/Payment Orders are accepted only between 7 and 8 am Nig. Time from Mon to Fri. (2.) Rate also is only given and valid during the above-stated Period. (3.) Please follow our Rules/Guidelines for smooth processing when you come to us. Don't try creating your own Rules for us. (4.) Your Funds are always 100% safe with us. No Client has ever been cheated, and none will ever be. Also, we only sell CNY (RMB). We don't buy. (5.) We always strive to wrap up all Transactions before 11 am Nig. Time. This 11 am is already 6 pm China Time, and there's no Customer Care (of any Bank, Alipay or Wechat) to call at this time if there is any lssue with funding a Recipient's Acct., so do come early enough. Thank you! WhatsApp: +8615806064429, +8615060196440 (*** Today's Rate: ₦218.2/¥).

ChinaBoy 07:03 23/02/2024

Feb. 23, 2024: **** You can buy Chinese Yuan (CNY/RMB) from us via Transfers to China Bank Accounts and Alipay/WeChat Wallets. *** All Transfer/Payment Orders are accepted only between 7 and 8 am Nig. Time from Mon. to Fri.; WhatsApp: +8615806064429, +8615060196440 (Rate: ₦251.5/¥).

ChinaBoy 06:06 15/02/2024

Feb. 15, 2024: **** We sell Chinese Yuan (CNY/RMB) through Transfers to all China-based Accounts and Wallets. *** All Transfer/Payment Orders are accepted only between 7 and 8 am Nig. Time from Mon. to Fri.; WhatsApp: +8615806064429, +8615060196440 (Rate: ₦226.6/¥).

ChinaBoy 06:01 08/02/2024

Feb. 8, 2024: **** You can buy Chinese Yuan (CNY/RMB) from us via Transfers to China Bank Accounts and Alipay/WeChat Wallets. *** All Transfer/Payment Orders are accepted only between 7 and 8 am Nig. Time from Mon. to Fri.; WhatsApp: +8615806064429, +8615060196440 (Rate: ₦213.8/¥).

ChinaBoy 08:12 30/01/2024

Jan. 30, 2024: **** We sell Chinese Yuan (CNY/RMB) through Transfers to all China-based Accounts and Wallets. *** All Transfer/Payment Orders are accepted only between 7 and 8 am Nig. Time from Mon. to Fri.; WhatsApp: +8615806064429, +8615060196440 (Rate: ₦211.3/¥).

ChinaBoy 08:16 29/01/2024

Jan. 29, 2024: **** We sell Chinese Yuan (CNY/RMB) through Transfers to all China-based Accounts and Wallets. *** All Transfer/Payment Orders are accepted only between 7 and 8 am Nig. Time from Mon. to Fri.; WhatsApp: +8615806064429, +8615060196440 (Rate: ₦219.4/¥).

ChinaBoy 08:11 15/01/2024

Jan. 15, 2024: **** You can buy Chinese Yuan (CNY/RMB) from us via Transfers to China Bank Accounts and Alipay/WeChat Wallets. *** Be free to ask for Rate on Weekdays b/w 7 and 7.30 am Nig. Time without feeling any obligation to buy. WhatsApp: +8615806064429, +8615060196440 (Rate: ₦184.2/¥).

ChinaBoy 08:16 01/01/2024

Jan. 1, 2024: +++++ Happy New Year to all our Clients! Thanks for your patronage throughout last year. Wishing you Maximum Productivity and a Higher Level of Business Success this year! Thank you all. +++++ ---------------------------------------------------------- **** We sell Chinese Yuan (CNY/RMB) through Transfers to all China-based Accounts and Wallets. *** All Transfer/Payment Orders are accepted only between 7 and 8 am Nig. Time from Mon. to Fri.; WhatsApp: +8615806064429, +8615060196440 (Rate: ₦173.8/¥).

ChinaBoy 08:13 18/12/2023

Dec. 18, 2023: **** You can buy Chinese Yuan (CNY/RMB) from us via Transfers to China Bank Accounts and Alipay/WeChat Wallets. WhatsApp: +8615806064429, +8615060196440. *** Be free to ask for Rate on Weekdays b/w 7 and 7.30 am Nig. Time without feeling any obligation to buy (Rate: ₦177.3/¥).

ChinaBoy 08:07 04/12/2023

Dec. 4, 2023: **** We sell Chinese Yuan (CNY/RMB) through Transfers to all China-based Accounts and Wallets. WhatsApp: +8615806064429, +8615060196440. *** All Buying Orders are accepted only between 7 and 8 am Nig. Time from Mon. to Fri. (Rate: ₦167.7/¥).

ChinaBoy 08:30 20/11/2023

Nov. 20, 2023: **** We provide CNY (RMB) Transfer Service to all Forms of China-based Accounts. It is important to make the following Clarifications: (1.) All Buying Orders are accepted only between 7 and 8am Nig. Time from Mon to Fri. (2.) Rates also are only given and valid during the above-stated Period. (3.) Please follow our Rules/Guidelines for smooth processing when you come to us. Don't try creating your own Rules for us. (4.) Your Funds are always 100% safe with us. No Client has ever been cheated, and none will ever be. Also, we only sell CNY (RMB). We don't buy. (5.) We always strive to wrap up all Transactions before 11am Nig. Time. This 11am is already 6pm China Time, and there's no Customer Care (of any Bank, Alipay or Wechat) to call at this time if there is any lssue with funding a Recipient's Acct., so do come early enough. Thank you! *** Today's Rate: ₦160.5/¥. WhatsApp: +8615806064429, +8615060196440.

ChinaBoy 08:21 06/11/2023

Nov. 6, 2023: **** We sell Chinese Yuan (CNY/RMB) via Transfers to China Bank Accounts and Alipay/WeChat Wallets. Rate: ₦145.2/¥. WhatsApp: +8615806064429, +8615060196440. Please, Only Serious Enquiries!

Bboy 14:19 23/10/2023

We sell Yaun @ N166

ChinaBoy 08:26 23/10/2023

Oct. 23, 2023: **** We sell Chinese Yuan (CNY/RMB) via Transfers to China Bank Accounts and Alipay/WeChat Wallets. Rate: ₦167.4/¥. WhatsApp: +8615806064429, +8615060196440. Please, Only Serious Enquiries!

ChinaBoy 08:31 12/10/2023

Oct. 12, 2023: **** We sell Chinese Yuan (CNY/RMB) via Transfers to China Bank Accounts and Alipay/WeChat Wallets. Rate: ₦145.6/¥. WhatsApp: +8615806064429, +8615060196440. Please, Only Serious Enquiries!

ChinaBoy 08:17 28/09/2023

Sept. 28, 2023: **** We sell Chinese Yuan (CNY/RMB) via Transfers to China Bank Accounts and Alipay/WeChat Wallets. Rate: ₦141.7/¥. WhatsApp: +8615806064429, +8615060196440. Please, Only Serious Enquiries!

ChinaBoy 08:25 18/09/2023

Sept. 18, 2023: **** We sell Chinese Yuan (CNY/RMB) via Transfers to China Bank Accounts and Alipay/WeChat Wallets. Rate: ₦135.8/¥. WhatsApp: +8615806064429, +8615060196440. Please, Only Serious Enquiries!

ChinaBoy 08:29 07/09/2023

Sept. 7, 2023: **** We sell Chinese Yuan (CNY/RMB) via Transfers to China Bank Accounts and Alipay/WeChat Wallets. Rate: ₦129.8/¥. WhatsApp: +8615806064429, +8615060196440. Please, Only Serious Enquiries!

ChinaBoy 08:02 30/08/2023

August 30, 2023: **** We sell Chinese Yuan (CNY/RMB) via Transfers to China Bank Accounts and Alipay/WeChat Wallets. Rate: ₦129.3/¥. WhatsApp: +8615806064429, +8615060196440. Please, Only Serious Enquiries!

ChinaBoy 10:28 14/08/2023

August 14, 2023: **** We sell Chinese Yuan (CNY/RMB) via Transfers to China Bank Accounts and Alipay/WeChat Wallets. Rate: ₦132.3/¥. WhatsApp: +8615806064429, +8615060196440. Please, Only Serious Enquiries!

BB 12:45 22/07/2023

Pls how do I buy RMB in this app

ChinaBoy 10:23 26/06/2023

June 26, 2023: **** We sell Chinese Yuan (CNY/RMB) via Transfers to China Bank Accounts and Alipay/WeChat Wallets. Rate: ₦109.3/¥. WhatsApp: +8615806064429, +8615060196440. Please, Only Serious Enquiries!

ChinaBoy 11:34 12/06/2023

June 12, 2023: **** We sell Chinese Yuan (CNY/RMB) via Transfers to China Bank Accounts and Alipay/WeChat Wallets. Rate: ₦109.2/¥. WhatsApp: +8615806064429, +8615060196440. Please, Only Serious Enquiries!

ChinaBoy 09:19 29/05/2023

May 29, 2023: **** We sell Chinese Yuan (CNY/RMB) via Transfers to China Bank Accounts and Alipay/WeChat Wallets. Rate: ₦110.3/¥. WhatsApp: +8615806064429, +8615060196440. Please, Only Serious Enquiries!

ChinaBoy 09:47 08/05/2023

May 8, 2023: **** We sell Chinese Yuan (CNY/RMB) via transfer to China Bank Accounts and Alipay/WeChat Wallets. Rates - Banks: ₦107.5; Wallets: ₦107.9; WhatsApp: +8615806064429, +8615060196440. Please, Only Serious Enquiries!

ChinaBoy 09:14 02/05/2023

May 2, 2023: **** We sell Chinese Yuan (CNY/RMB) via transfer to China Bank Accounts and Alipay/WeChat Wallets. Rates - Banks: ₦107.2; Wallets: ₦107.6; WhatsApp: +8615806064429, +8615060196440. Please, Only Serious Enquiries!

Rejoice 18:30 12/01/2022

I need 14,000 Rmb update me

Electra 22:14 18/08/2022

What's your rate

Ray Art's 23:13 04/11/2021

I get yuan to sell call 08164895222 JOS NAGERIA

Best Aluminium Company dem 20:11 19/03/2022

1 yuan to sell

Youngbillion23 14:25 20/02/2022

Please, what's GTBank rate for buying RMB with my ATM Card

Mide 09:36 29/12/2021

I need rmb this is my 08120295157

Mide 09:35 29/12/2021

I need yuan

Aysha 00:24 14/11/2021

I want Rmb please this is my number 08105539500

Aysha 00:11 14/11/2021

Please I want to yuan please help me please 🙏🙏

youngbillion23 10:47 06/08/2021

Good day, I have RMB to sell

Mallamdollar 05:18 06/10/2021

I buy always. WhatsApp me: +2348052837966. Kindly notify me you are from NGNRATE.COM

Amy 10:11 11/04/2021

I want to buy yuan. How much pls?

Eskor 09:49 20/09/2020

where can i buy yuan ?

Abigail 10:59 04/09/2020

Do you know where i can buy yuan in Abakaliki

Convert Yuan to Naira in CBN

1 Yuan to Naira₦ 236.1826
5 Yuans to Naira₦ 1,180.913
10 Yuans to Naira₦ 2,361.826
20 Yuans to Naira₦ 4,723.652
50 Yuans to Naira₦ 11,809.13
100 Yuans to Naira₦ 23,618.26
200 Yuans to Naira₦ 47,236.52
500 Yuans to Naira₦ 118,091.3
1000 Yuans to Naira₦ 236,182.6
2000 Yuans to Naira₦ 472,365.2
5000 Yuans to Naira₦ 1,180,913

Yuan to Naira CBN sell rates are used in calculating the Yuan to Naira conversion table.

Naira Currency Converter

Naira to Yuan CBN Rate

  • Sell: ₦ 1 = ¥ 0.00424
  • Buy: ₦ 1 = ¥ 0.00423
  • Previous Day Comparison
    • Change: ¥ + NaN
    • % Change: + 0.02%

Convert Naira to Yuan in CBN

1 Naira to Yuan¥ 0.0042
5 Nairas to Yuan¥ 0.0212
10 Nairas to Yuan¥ 0.0424
20 Nairas to Yuan¥ 0.0848
50 Nairas to Yuan¥ 0.212
100 Nairas to Yuan¥ 0.424
200 Nairas to Yuan¥ 0.848
500 Nairas to Yuan¥ 2.12
1000 Nairas to Yuan¥ 4.24
5000 Nairas to Yuan¥ 21.2

Yuan to Naira CBN buy rates are used in calculating the Naira to Yuan conversion table.

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