Turkish Lira to Naira Exchange Rates

FX Market₦ 48.67-1.18%23/07/24
Moneygram₦ 48.600.43%02/12/20
  • Turkish Lira to Naira exchange rate is ₦ 48.67 in FX Market, and ₦ 48.60 in Moneygram
  • Turkish Lira to Naira rate recently moves upwards 0.43% in Moneygram
  • Turkish Lira to Naira rate recently moves downwards 1.18% in FX Market
  • Turkish Lira to Naira exchange rate has the lowest value of ₦ 48.60 at Moneygram as of 02/12/2020 among the rates listed in the summary table
  • Turkish Lira to Naira exchange rate has the highest value of ₦ 48.67 at FX Market as of 23/07/2024 among the rates listed in the summary table

Turkish Lira to Naira Rate Charts

Turkish Lira to Naira Overview

  • Name: Turkish Lira
  • Country: Turkey
  • Currency Code: TRY
  • Symbol:
  • Other names: Lira, TL
  • Minor: 1 TRY equals 100 kuruş.

Comments on Turkish Lira to Naira Rates

Disclaimer: NgnRates.com can not guarantee correctness and trustworthiness of the information and contacts shared here. Please, DO NOT TRADE with the users commented here; use this platform only for data purposes.

Frank 15:46 01/12/2022

How can i get access to who sell Turkish Lira @ #23? Even if the person is selling alittle above #23

Naira Currency Converter

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