Danish Krone to Naira CBN Rate

Updated on 17:03 29/11/2024
DKK NGNGet Updates: OffSell: 235.6293 0.41%Buy: 235.4876Naira to Danish Krone Exchange Rate₦ 1 = kr 0.00425
Previous Day Comparison
+₦ 0.964
% Change
Last 30 Days High/Low
₦ 243.9778 on 05/11/2024
₦ 232.7467 on 22/11/2024
Last 365 Days High/Low
₦ 250.5476 on 25/09/2024
₦ 124.5399 on 16/01/2024

Danish Krone to Naira CBN - Central Bank of Nigeria Rate Chart

Daily Danish Krone to Naira CBN - Central Bank of Nigeria Review

Danish Krone to Naira exchange rate is set as ₦235.6293 by Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) today, November 29, 2024. Danish Krone started this week at ₦238.0442 in CBN exchange rate lists on Monday, November 25, 2024. This makes a 1.01% decrease for Krone rate against Naira in CBN this week.

To have a monthly quick review, we see that Danish Krone to Naira exchange rate was ₦243.052 on Friday, November 01, 2024 at the beginning of November. As of today with DKK seen at ₦235.6293, we see a 3.05% decrease for Danish Krone to Naira exchange rates in CBN for this November.

Comment on Danish Krone to Naira CBN Rates

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Convert Danish Krone to Naira in CBN

Danish KroneNaira
1 Danish Krone to Naira₦ 235.6293
5 Danish Krones to Naira₦ 1,178.1465
10 Danish Krones to Naira₦ 2,356.293
20 Danish Krones to Naira₦ 4,712.586
50 Danish Krones to Naira₦ 11,781.465
100 Danish Krones to Naira₦ 23,562.93
200 Danish Krones to Naira₦ 47,125.86
500 Danish Krones to Naira₦ 117,814.65
1000 Danish Krones to Naira₦ 235,629.3
2000 Danish Krones to Naira₦ 471,258.6
5000 Danish Krones to Naira₦ 1,178,146.5

Danish Krone to Naira CBN sell rates are used in calculating the Danish Krone to Naira conversion table.

Naira Currency Converter

Naira to Danish Krone CBN Rate

  • Sell: ₦ 1 = kr 0.00425
  • Buy: ₦ 1 = kr 0.00424
  • Previous Day Comparison
    • Change: kr -0.000017
    • % Change: -0.41%

Convert Naira to Danish Krone in CBN

NairaDanish Krone
1 Naira to Danish Kronekr 0.0043
5 Nairas to Danish Kronekr 0.0213
10 Nairas to Danish Kronekr 0.0425
20 Nairas to Danish Kronekr 0.085
50 Nairas to Danish Kronekr 0.2125
100 Nairas to Danish Kronekr 0.425
200 Nairas to Danish Kronekr 0.85
500 Nairas to Danish Kronekr 2.125
1000 Nairas to Danish Kronekr 4.25
5000 Nairas to Danish Kronekr 21.25

Danish Krone to Naira CBN buy rates are used in calculating the Naira to Danish Krone conversion table.

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