West African Unit of Account to Naira Exchange Rates

CBN₦ 2,152.115.31%26/07/24
  • West African Unit of Account to Naira exchange rate is ₦ 2,152.11 in CBN
  • West African Unit of Account to Naira rate recently moves upwards 5.31% in CBN
  • West African Unit of Account to Naira exchange rate has the lowest value of ₦ 2,152.11 at CBN as of 26/07/2024 among the rates listed in the summary table

West African Unit of Account to Naira Rate Charts

West African Unit of Account to Naira Overview

  • Name: West African Unit of Account
  • Country: Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)
  • Currency Code: WAUA
  • Symbol:
  • Other names:
  • Minor: 1 WAUA equals 100 .

Comments on West African Unit of Account to Naira Rates

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